house maid


Company Summary: About C&Z INVESTIMENTS One of the leading construction company

Job Description:

Job Description
This position is a stay-in based. We are looking for a thorough maid with excellent cleanliness standards to attend all areas of our facilities and the goal is enhance customer experience by keeping facilities in clean and orderly conditions.

Duties and Responsibilities
Clean and tidy all areas to the standard cleanlinessMaintain equipment in good conditionsReport on any shortages,damages and security issuesHandle guest complains or requests and inform others when requiredCheck stock levels of all consumables

Qualifications and Experience
Clean and tidy all areas to the standard cleanlinessMaintain equipment in good conditionsReport on any shortages,damages and security issuesHandle guest complains or requests and inform others when requiredCheck stock levels of all consumables

How to Apply
kind send your cvs on 0775888010 or drop your cvs @

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