District WASH Master Planning Facilitator Consultant

  • Job Type: Contractor
  • Location: Mount Darwin
  • Date Posted:

Website Company Name: Welthungerhilfe

Company Summary: About Welthungerhilfe Welthungerhilfe Zimbabwe Jobs Welthungerhilfe Zimbabwe Vacancies Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest German non-governmental Organisations in development co- operation and emergency relief. Primarily in co-operation with local partner Organisations, our task is to contribute to the improvement in nutritional and income base for the low-income populations in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Welthungerhilfe has been implementing projects in Zimbabwe since 1980. Sector focus is on WASH, Food and Nutrition Security, Livelihoods and when necessary, Emergency response.

Job Description:

Job Description
Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest, privately held, non-denominational and politically independent German non-governmental organisations in development cooperation and emergency relief. Primarily, in cooperation with local partner organisations, it is tasked with contributing to the improvement of the nutritional and income status of the poorest rural populations in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Welthungerhilfe has been implementing projects in Zimbabwe almost continuously since 1980. Currently, the organisation together with its partners is having projects in all provinces in Zimbabwe. Sector focus is on, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Food and Nutrition Security, Livelihoods, and when required Emergency response.

The Government of Zimbabwe recognises the importance of strengthening the broader WASH systems to achieve Vision 2030’s target of universal access to improved water sources by 2030. Of note, in line with the broader government objective of all local authorities having service delivery plans, the Department of National WASH Coordination is eager to support the development of district WASH master plans on a pilot basis before potentially promoting this initiative for upscaling across the country. Strengthening district WASH planning and supporting the development of district WASH master plans in Chegutu and Mount Darwin districts represents one of the core focus areas of Welthungerhilfe’s Global WASH Programme (GWP).

District WASH master plans have been developed in many low- and lower-middle-income contexts, and a range of resources have been developed to guide the process. These resources, however, provide relatively generic global guidance. Consequently, as the district WASH master plans for Chegutu and Mount Darwin will be the first of their kind in Zimbabwe, the GWP is in the later stages of developing a roadmap to guide the process of developing a District WASH Master Plan in Zimbabwe. This roadmap pairs insights from various sources at the national, provincial and district levels in Zimbabwe with available global guidance. The GWP is now looking to commission a Facilitator firm or individual facilitator to facilitate this complex process, which requires the performance of a wide-ranging set of activities and substantive ongoing engagement with many actors at the community, service provider, ward, district, provincial and national levels.

Position Summary:Welthungerhilfe is seeking for a District WASH Master Planning Facilitator Consultant for Mt Darwin and Chegutu Districts. Please kindly refer to the Terms of Reference below for more information on this advert

Duties and Responsibilities
Terms of Reference

OBJECTIVEThis assignment’s overarching objective is to facilitate the process of developing fully Life Cycle Costed and Climate Resilient District WASH Master Plans for Mount Darwin and Chegutu districts.

ACTIVITIES AND OUTPUTSThe District WASH Master Plans for Mount Darwin and Chegutu districts will be developed following a five-stage process: (i) situation assessment; (ii) vision and target development; (iii) long-term strategic direction development; (iv) long-term planning and costing strategy development; and (v) master plan development, validation and launch. Table One below sets out the primary responsibilities of the Facilitator firm in this process in Mount Darwin and Chegutu districts, with formal outputs specified in bold.

Table 1: Facilitator Activities and OutputsStep Facilitator RoleSituation Assessment • Provide top-level inputs on the analysis of collected data that is to be performed by district stakeholders. • Facilitate situation assessment validation workshop.• Synthesis report of the situation assessment. • Produce workshop report presenting a validated situation assessment for the district. Vision and Target Development• Compile relevant existing visions and targets (national and district). • Facilitate vision and target development workshop.• Synthesis report of the vision and target development process • Produce workshop report presenting agreed upon vision and targets for WASH service provision in the district. Long-Term Strategic Direction Development • Compile relevant existing strategies and guidance documents.• Hold stakeholder consultations at the national, provincial and district levels to identify and validate strategic priorities and potential strategies for selection at the district level. • Facilitate strategic direction development workshop. • Synthesis report of the Strategic direction development process• Produce workshop report presenting agreed upon strategies for achieving the districts vision and targets for WASH service provision.

Long-Term Planning and Costing Strategy Development • Participate in Life- Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) re-fresher training. • Providing top-level inputs on the costing and financial analysis.• Facilitate a workshop to validate the financial and costing analysis and identify key components of a funding strategy. • Synthesis report of the long term planning and costing strategy development process• Produce workshop report presenting the financial and costing analysis and key components of a funding strategy for meeting these costs. Master Plan Development, Validation and Launch • Draft District WASH Master Plan development (multiple rounds)• District WASH Master Plan finalisation.

METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONSThe following methodological considerations should be accounted for when applying for the assignment and developing the required technical and financial proposals: I. District WASH Master Planning Roadmap. A comprehensive roadmap for facilitating the development of the two district WASH master plans has been developed, and the successful or Facilitator firm will need to implement and conduct activities in-line with what is set out in this document. Interested Facilitators can request for the draft version of this roadmap to be shared with them to guide the formulation of their technical and financial proposals. The District WASH Master Planning Roadmap is based on existing best-practice guidance on developing a district WASH master plan, and Annex One to this Terms of Reference presents a series of guidance materials that informed its development. II. Government-Led Process. The overall process of developing the district WASH master plans is to be spearheaded by the two districts, with government stakeholders from the national, provincial and ward levels also playing a key role. In this sense, the role of the successful facilitator is truly to facilitate the process. III. GWP Role. The GWP will provide support to the successful facilitator throughout the process, for example, helping to facilitate workshops and enabling more efficient and effective interfacing with relevant stakeholders at the national, provincial, and district levels. IV. District Focus. The assignment is to focus on Zimbabwe’s Mount Darwin and Chegutu districts. Any interested facilitator must demonstrate their ability to undertake the assignment in both districts. V. WASH Focus. The district WASH master plans will look at the WASH sector in its entirety. They will cover urban and rural contexts, domestic and institutional WASH services, and consider a range of broader elements, including WASH-related legislation, policies and strategies, water resource context and climate considerations, service provider and sub-national government capacity, and WASH systems strength.

LEVEL OF EFFORT, TIMEFRAMES, AND PAYMENT SCHEDULEAn estimated 80 Facilitator days are required for the assignment, and the assignment should be completed within a maximum of seven months. The Table below presents envisioned dates for completing key milestones. The payment schedule linked to each key milestone is also specified.

Table 2: Level of Effort, Timeframes, and Payment ScheduleMilestone Level of Effort Date / Deadline PaymentContract Signature. 0 20.04.2024 None.Workshop reports presenting a validated situation assessment for Mount Darwin and Chegutu districts. 19 17.05.2024 20%Workshop reports presenting agreed upon vision and targets for WASH service provision in Mount Darwin and Chegutu districts. 8 07.06.2024 10%Workshop reports presenting agreed upon strategies for achieving Mount Darwin and Chegutu districts’ vision and targets for WASH service provision. 14 14.07.2024 10%Workshop reports presenting the financial and costing analysis and key components of a funding strategy for meeting these costs for Mount Darwin and Chegutu districts. 14 31.08.2024 20%Development and finalisation of separate district WASH master plans for Mount Darwin and Chegutu districts. 25 18.10.2024 40%

All deliverables will have to meet the expected quality and standards as assessed by the supervisor of the assignment and will need to be formally approved and signed off on by the Rural District Councils for Mount Darwin and Chegutu districts. Should the facilitator fail to deliver as per expected quality and standards, Welthungerhilfe Zimbabwe and partners reserve the right to amend the payouts accordingly or to delay them until satisfactory deliverables have been submitted. The selected individual facilitator will work under the strategic guidance of the GWP WASH Systems Strengthening Head of Project, and also expected to work closely with GWP partner managers. The facilitator will be responsible for ensuring that the assignment is undertaken as described in these terms of reference and in their proposal. The Facilitator should meet deadlines and ensure the quality of all products and deliverables.

Qualifications and Experience
It is expected that the successful facilitator have proven experience in public policy analysis and development, public sector finance/budgeting, local governance, sector performance monitoring, strategic planning, and a detailed understanding of Zimbabwe’s WASH Sector. The facilitator is, therefore, expected to have diverse skills to meet the expectations of the assignment. Additional desired attributes include the following:I. A master’s or higher degree(s) in a relevant technical or management discipline. II. A minimum of 5 years’ experience in undertaking similar analytical work (e.g., strategy, policy, capacity development and reviews in a relevant discipline or sector).III. Experience facilitating high-level multi-stakeholder dialogue focused on government-based (both central and local government) transformations for basic service delivery with or without the assistance/participation of development partners.IV. International or Regional experience is an added advantage.V. Proven skills in preparing and communicating high-quality documents and reports for policy advocacy and lobbying.VI. Excellent English report writing and communication skills.VII. A strong commitment to delivering timely and high-quality results (i.e. evidence of similar work).

How to Apply
Qualified Facilitators are invited to submit a proposal for this assignment. The proposal should, at a minimum, include the following: • Technical Approach. The Facilitator should provide a description and timeline of the planned technical approach, not to exceed ten pages. • Facilitator Experience. The relevant experience of the Facilitator not to exceed three pages. CVs of the proposed Facilitator or team of Facilitators should also be included, highlighting the experience requested below. • Financial Proposal. In a separate, clearly marked document, the Facilitator should present a financial proposal detailing gross costs for undertaking the assignment, including operating expenses and applicable taxes.• Clarifying Questions. Questions on the assignment and requirement for submission of electronic proposals should be submitted to tendai.tendere@welthungerhilfe.de and CC to , bloodwell@mvuramanzi.co.zw,bjmuhoma@gmail.com , Shadreck.Kundishora@welthungerhilfe.de, pamela.muzenda@welthungerhilfe.de • The deadline for submitting questions is by 1700 hrs on 19/04/2024 and responses will be given on a case-by-case basis. • Submission. The date and time for submission is by 1700 hrs on 26/04/2024. All proposals should be submitted to recruitment.zimbabwe@welthungerhilfe.de.

Application email or URL: tendai.tendere@welthungerhilfe.de

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