2X General Hands/ Drivers

  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Location: Contract
  • Date Posted:

Company Name: Private

Company Summary:

Job Description:

We are looking for individuals to fill in the position of General Hand/ Driver in our organization. Please send CV’S in PDF format to i n f o . z w along with academic certificates, copy of licenses and ID’s. -Suitable candidates should have 5 O’levels i

Application email or URL: https://www.alljobspo.com/url.php?id=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2xhc3NpZmllZHMuY28uencvYWR2ZXJ0LTJ4LWdlbmVyYWwtaGFuZHMtZHJpdmVycy0xOTk0MzM1IA==

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